Season 5

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S5 E2 – How IP Can Help Save the Planet

Season 5 Episode 2 – How IP Can Help Save the Planet The role of intellectual property protection in developing sustainable technology On this episode of Stroke of Genius, host Raha Francis sits down with the Intellectual Property Owners Education

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S5 E1 – Swimming with Sharks

Season 5 Episode 1 Swimming with Sharks Why do the Sharks on Shark Tank ask about patents?  For entrepreneurs and inventors, it’s the holy grail of reality TV appearances: landing a spot on Shark Tank®. But whether you are planning

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Season 5 Trailer is Available

Season 5 Trailer Now Available  In Season 5 of Stroke of Genius®, we’ll explore some of the common myths and misconceptions surrounding intellectual property (IP) protection. We’ll also provide a greater understanding of the impact of IP to under-served communities.

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S4 E9 – Diversifying the Future of Innovation

Season 4 Episode 9  Many of the problems we face for the future will be solved using machine learning and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has the capability of personalizing our daily technological experience like filtering out spam in our email

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S4 E8 – Herstory of Invention

Season 4 Episode 8  Women have been inventing to solve problems that they face for years. But despite the fact that women make up roughly 50% of the country’s population, only 12% of recognized innovators in the United States are

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S4 E7 – Emerging Entrepreneurs

Season 4 Episode 7 Perhaps one of the biggest changes to daily life over the past year has affected the world’s youngest citizens. As schools went virtual, sports and extracurriculars were cancelled, and time with friends was off-limits, kids spent

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