for Inventors and IP Professionals

IPO Education Foundation provides information to help make the intellectual property (IP) system accessible to all. This resource page collects information from various sources for those looking to learn more about IP. The information provided on this website, however, does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. All information, content, and materials available are for general informational purposes only.
IPO Education Foundation strives to create partnerships with like-minded organizations to have a greater impact about the value of intellectual property protection. (More information below.) If you’re interested in learning more about the Foundation or how to partner, please contact

IP Diagnostics Tool
With WIPO IP Diagnostics you can undertake a basic diagnostic of the intellectual property (IP) situation of your business. It is in the form of a questionnaire with several sections that will ask you questions on different IP topics.
Step 1: Input basic questions regarding your business in the Pre-assessment
Step 2: Continue by clicking on the relevant sections based on your previous responses
Step 3: Develop your strategy based on the results!
Inventor Resources
Inventor Assistance Program

The Inventor Assistance Program (IAP) – a WIPO initiative in cooperation with the World Economic Forum – is the first global program to match developing country inventors and small businesses with limited financial means with patent attorneys. These experts provide pro bono legal assistance to help inventors secure patent protection.
Patent Probono Program

The Patent Probono Advisory Council assists the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office with the administration of patent pro bono programs across the United States. There are 22 programs around the U.S. that match under-resourced inventors with top quality volunteer patent attorneys or patent agents who ensure critical inventions are not lost because of an inventor’s inability to afford quality counsel.
Navigating IP as a Startup

This resource will take you through the important IP issues which should be considered at different phases of a startup’s journey. The journey of a startup is not always a straight line!
Teachers and Students
High School Speech & Debate Prep
Virtual and in-person programming to support students preparing for the 2024-2025 policy high school debate.
Business Resources
Diversity in Innovation Toolkit
Women and diverse employees have the technical skill and knowledge, yet their contributions are not patented at the same rate as those of their male counterparts. These statistics suggest that our organizations may not be capturing the full contribution of a large segment of our technical workforce – resulting in significant lost opportunity costs. This toolkit can help organizations move the needle on achieving gender parity in innovation.
Law Firm Complement to Diversity in Innovation Toolkit
This Law Firm Complement is a tool for outside lawyers as well as other organizations to help their clients become familiar with and more easily navigate the Toolkit. In the process of helping clients to use the Toolkit, law firms will likely improve their client relationships, develop deeper relationships with their clients, have a better understanding of their clients and their clients’ cultures, be part of the client transitioning process, and help younger lawyers have speaking opportunities.
Chief IP Counsel in a Box
IPO’s Corporate IP Management and Operations Committee has re-released its Chief IP Counsel in a Box toolkit. Version 2.0 has been updated with strategies and methodologies to help guide experienced IP attorneys in any industry to success in the role of Chief IP Counsel. Also included are words of wisdom from former Chief IP Counsel and industry veterans, Harry Gwinnell and David Kappos.
Additional Resources
Ask me Anything about IP
IPOEF Board Member Louis Foreman advises about the invention process and addresses common questions about how to protect intellectual property. Questions such as: “What are the most significant challenges to obtain a patent?” and “What is the difference between a trademark and a design patent?”
Interested in Becoming a Partner?
IPO Education Foundation is seeking strategic partners who are interested in collaborating to create programs that will provide information and/or resources to encourage innovation and the acquisition of intellectual property rights to underrepresented communities. IPOEF seeks to provide awareness about intellectual property where creativity already exists, but IP rights do not, thereby creating economic prosperity in underrepresented communities. For questions, please contact