2022 Newsletter: January-March

March 31, 2022

Message from IPOEF President, Robert DeBerardine
IPO Education Foundation strongly believes in its mission of teaching how IP plays an important role in encouraging and protecting innovation and creating new products and economic opportunities that benefit all of society. Over the past few years IPOEF has been pivoting its focus to reach those people and communities who traditionally have not been exposed to the benefits of IP, particularly women and people of color. While IPOEF will continue its past programs that have shared the IP message, data from the PTO shows that the IP message has not reached all people and needs to be amplified. IPOEF intends to play a part in that amplification. To do this, we are developing new programs and new ways of raising funds to support these new programs. At the IPO Board Meeting in December, IPOEF introduced at a conceptual level several of these programs – reaching out to inner city grade schools and high schools to introduce IP; appearing at colleges with populations normally not exposed to IP principles; creating symposia on how to convert ideas into business; and engaging with large, influential giving groups to see if they can help us fulfill our mission. During 2022 we will share the details of our developing programs and look forward to engaging conversations on how we may achieve our goals. IPOEF welcomes your active participation in our efforts to create an appreciation for how IP can help people across all communities. I encourage you to take a look at the Foundation 2021 Impact Report below which includes goals for 2022 and beyond.
Welcome New IPOEF Board Members 
Occasionally, there are vacancies on the Board. If you would like to be considered for a Foundation Board seat, please contact Kristen Lurye, klurye@ipo.org.
Seeking Volunteers for NEW Foundation Committees
IPO Education Foundation is piloting two committees dedicated to the organization’s strategic pillars, Educate & Enable and Employ & Encourage. The Foundation is looking for volunteers to help kick off this effort who are passionate about reaching underrepresented communities about innovation, creation, and the value of IP. If you’re interested, please contact Kristen Lurye.
Celebrate World IP Day
In honor of World IP Day, IPO Education Foundation and the IPO D&I Outreach Subcommittee invite you and your organization to host a youth outreach event to introduce innovation and IP to the next generation of diverse innovators. Visit IPOEF.org for access to sample activities and resources for your virtual or in-person activity. Make sure to register your event so we can promote the great work being accomplished in our IPO member communities! For questions, please contact Kristen Lurye or Elaine Spector.
Scholarships for Students to Learn about IP and Invention 
IPO Education Foundation is partnering with the Connecticut Invention Convention to send four students to a two week summer camp where they will learn about invention and emerge with a provisional patent of their own. Scholarships allow middle school students to attend who otherwise would be unable to participate in this innovation experience due to socioeconomic circumstances. If you’re interested in supporting this initiative, please contact Program Manager Kristen Lurye to learn more.
Thank you to Locke Lord LLP for joining IPOEF and sponsoring two additional students!
A Special Thank You to Our Platinum Donors 
Foundation activities are possible because of the support of our donors and sponsors. Thank you to our Platinum level sponsors for their support! If you’d like to learn more about IPOEF or become a donor, please visit IPOEF.org/donate.
USIPA Diversity Pledge
IPO supports the Foundation’s strategic initiative to promote innovation and creation by, within, and for underrepresented communities through its own diversity efforts. Among these efforts, IPO is pleased to partner with USIPA on the Diversity Pledge designed to make actionable and measurable change in increasing diversity in innovation in companies. IPO Executive Director Jessica Landacre said “The partnership underscores IPO’s commitment to moving the needle on diversity in innovation. IPO member companies are encouraged to take the pledge to address the issue of underrepresented inventors.” Access the attached resources for additional information about the Diversity Pledge.