IPO Education Foundation Board Adopts New Strategic Plan

2023 Newsletter: October-December
December 31, 2023
Celebration of Innovation and IP
Nominate 2024 Inventor of the Year

Volunteer for an IPOEF Committee
The Foundation created a volunteer committee in 2021 to support the strategic pillars of IPO Education Foundation and its mission to promote innovation and creation by, within, and for underrepresented communities. The committee developed a beta toolkit to teach students about patents, trademarks,and copyrights and has piloted the presentation to over 200 students in person and virtually. We are looking for additional volunteers to help disseminate and scale these resources. Volunteers meet once a month and work with subcommittees as needed.
Why Didn’t I Think of That?
Thank you to our program sponsors!

Welcome New IPOEF Board Members

Thank you Bronze Donors!
Foundation activities are possible because of the support of our donors and sponsors. If you’d like to learn more about IPOEF or become a donor, please visit IPOEF.org/donate.